In 2012, a team driven by Mr. Hugo Kerschot (the project manager of the SSEDIC Project) and the consultancy company ITEMS (SSEDIC associate partner) together with InfoCom Research (Japan) conducted the study on the use of eID, Information linkage and data protection in Britain, Germany, and France.

The research was focused on the different approach to eID implementation in a worldwide framework. The goal of the research was to provide a global review of the eID architecture implementation mainly in the social security and tax areas in Germany,  Great Britain, and France. The objective of the study was to propose initiatives that could be implemented in Europe as well as in Japan to promote common approaches.

The study shows that most of the countries prefer to enable cross-border and cross-sector use of different eIDs. At the same time, several countries (e.g Japan) prefer to prevent any potential risk regarding data protection of its citizens. Therefore the common eID used by tax and social care administration remains independent from the national ID in Japan.