Flemish ICT Minister Geert Bourgeois and United Nations eGovernment Advisor Richard Kerby today awarded a ‘Global Entrepreneur Award’ on behalf of Citadel-on-the-Move and the Linked Organization of Local Authorities to William Colglazier, age 9, and Alexander Glidden, age 8, for their new mobile App @Me-on-the-Move.

The boys used guidelines created by Citadel-on-the-Move, an EU-funded project in the implementation of which IS-practice has been closely involved with, to help the public administrators they spoke with to understand what Open Data is all about, and how valuable it can be to their cities.  After weeks of going back and forth until they finally got the data they needed in the format they needed, the boys were then able to use the tools created by Citadel-on-the-Move to create a mobile App that combines data from York, Holyoke and Cape Town with data provided by Citadel partner cities Athens, Greece and Gent, Belgium.

Click here for the full press review